Tag Archive | robert kirkman

AMC’s “Fear the Walking Dead” Will Not Reveal the Origin of the Virus

AMC’s “Fear the Walking Dead” Will Not Reveal the Origin of the Virus

From HNGN: Some disappointing news for fans that thought “The Walking Dead” spinoff show “Fear The Walking Dead” would separate itself from its predecessor: there still won’t be any answers about how the zombie virus actually started. “Fear The Walking Dead” has been billed as a (sort of) prequel to “The Walking Dead” so viewers […]

The Walking Dead: What does the “W” on the walkers mean?

The Walking Dead: What does the “W” on the walkers mean?

From ComicBook.com: In tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead, Rick, Daryl, and Carol noticed a “W” carved into the head of a walker. While this is the first time characters have noticed the symbol on a walker’s head, it’s not the first time the audience has seen it. A few weeks ago, in the episode […]

Interview: Mitch Cohen

Interview: Mitch Cohen

Recently I had a chance to bend the ear of writer/director Mitch Cohen, creator of the zombie-centric short film Super Zero, available to watch in it’s entirety online. Check out the fun facts that Mitch shared with me below, and be sure to watch Super Zero a couple hundred times, then help spread the word about it ! […]

“Doc of the Dead” premieres at SXSW, spans the life of the zombie trend

“Doc of the Dead” premieres at SXSW, spans the life of the zombie trend

From USA Today: The living dead have had movies and TV shows. Now they have their own documentary. Doc of the Dead, directed by Alexandre Philippe (The People vs. George Lucas), covers the zombie genre from silent films through The Walking Dead. The film had its premiere at the South by Southwest festival with showings Monday and […]

G.O.R.E. Score: The Walking Dead, Season 1

The Walking Dead Season 1 (2010) Original Air Date: October 31, 2010 Run Time: 60-90 minutes per episode By now, any true zombie fan worth his/her salt is at least familiar with the television series “The Walking Dead.” Many have seen every episode multiple times already, myself included. It’s an impressive accomplishment to already be […]

G.O.R.E. Score: Marvel Zombies 2

Original Release Date: June 1, 2008 (collected) Number of Issues: 5 Publisher: Marvel Entertainment    “MZ2” follows the continuity of the storyline set up in the first “Marvel Zombies” mini-series. It is now 40 years after the zombie plague first found its way into this dimension, and the small group of superhero zombies that survived […]

G.O.R.E. Score: Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness

Original Release Date: September 1, 2007 (collected) Number of Issues: 5 Publisher: Marvel Entertainment and Dynamite Entertainment Just when you thought the “Marvel Zombies” series couldn’t get any more entertaining or self-referential, BOOM – Marvel pulls out a cross-company crossover series with Dynamite Entertainment’s “Army of Darkness” series that features everyone’s favorite groovy undead killer, […]